1. I have always wanted to learn how to knit and I learned to do so in 2006!
  2. My first car was a stick shift.  (ha ha ha – when I had learners my permit I accidentally crashed my dad’s car thru the garage door, stick shift, I didn’t know when starting it I had to push down the clutch)
  3. I am a proud mac user at home and a frustrated windows user at work.
  4. My favorite thing about Sundays is soaking in a hot bubbly tub until I get all wrinkled.
  5. I am a sucker for John Cusack movies and Meg Ryan movies.
  6. I was born in Brooklyn NY
  7. But after living in New England for 21 years I am now a Red Sox Fan (the conversion from the dark side took years of deprogramming therapy)
  8. I love to cook and often think/dream about going to culinary school.
  9. I am a lacto/ovo vegetarian, have been since 2004.
  10. I am not human in the morning before a cup of coffee.
  11. I hate cilantro, okra, bananas and spearmint.
  12. I enjoy doing laundry and grocery shopping.
  13. I am a compulsive shopper (TJM is my favorite store)
  14. When I was in the first grade I wanted to be a dentist or a poet when I grew up.
  15. I like to think that I have a green thumb.  I love to be surrounded by plants indoors and out.
  16. I am a bed-sheet snob and will not buy thread count sheets below 300
  17. I am not a competitive person, it makes playing pool, mini-golf and bowling against me more fun, you always win.
  18. When I retire I plan on buzzing all my hair off and when it grows in dye it green or purple.
  19. I am registered independent, but tend to vote democrat, and have voted for third party candidates I felt strongly about. 
  20. My nose is pierced, and so are my ears.
  21. I am addicted to “Peggle”.
  22. I have zero patience with myself and a boat load of patience with the rest of the world (unless I am behind the wheel of a car).  One of my goals in learning to knit was learning to be patient with myself.
  23. I really really really enjoy sleeping late.
  24. I am the oldest and have three younger brothers.
  25. Since getting an i-pod four years ago I hardly ever listen to commercial radio anymore.
  26. I hate, have zero tolerance for, loathe, detest, despise country music.
  27. I have been taking yoga classes for over ten years now.
  28. I plan on throwing myself a 40th birthday party. 
  29. I don’t think I could never live in a land-locked state. (funny though that I am NOT a beach person)
  30. One of my pet peeves is inside out laundry, especially socks.
  31.  U2 is my all time favorite band.
  32. I love to have perfectly manicured fingers and toes (done up in  a sexy FM red)
  33. I am an attuned Reiki I practitioner.
  34. I am addicted to Chipotle Tabasco.
  35. I have been working in the non-profit world since graduating from college.  The pay isn’t great, but the benefits are good.  What keeps me in non-profit is the fact that at then end of the day I feel good about helping people and making a contribution to the world as opposed to sucking it dry. 
  36. I have a pet turtle named Cooper.
  37. One of my favorite foods in the whole world is a fattoush salad, especially with feta and kalamata olives. 
  38. I have read all the Harry Potter books and cried when I read the last one.
  39. I have been volunteering for various organizations over the years, my latest volunteer adventure is with the Community Cat Connection.
  40. I hate, loathe, have zero tolerance for “reality TV” and talent competition shows more than Country Music.  If you want me to leave the room start talking about American Idol or Dancing with the Stars.
  41. I don’t kill spiders, when I find them indoors, I relocate them outside in good weather and into the houseplants during the winter.
  42. I dislike tap water, my taste-buds are sensitive to the chlorine,  and prefer to drink filtered or bottled water. My favorite water is Evian (the more mineral content the more I like it).
  43. As I write this I am eating breakfast…. Hash browns scrambled up with eggs and cheese. Topped off with a splash of Frank’s red-hot sauce – yummmmo!
  44. I miss Bagels, Pizza & black and white cookies from home (New Jersey)
  45. We have two bird-feeders and I try learn the name of every bird that stops by.
  46. I love thunderstorms and lightening.
  47. I love snow storms and being snowed in for a day or two.
  48. I don’t like (nor tolerate very well) hot & humid weather.
  49. Spring and Fall are my favorite seasons.
  50. I rescue turtles that I see trying to cross the road.
  51. I don’t like to bake because you have to measure things out and follow recipes.
  52. I hope to get a dog someday and train them to be a therapy dog so that I can volunteer to take him/her with me to hospitals & nursing homes to visit sick kids and the elderly.  
  53.  I try really hard, but sometimes I wish I could be a better person.
  54. I like to organize, but I hate to clean (dust, vacuum, etc…).
  55. I don’t believe in religion, I think it causes too much grief in the world. You can believe in what you want and I will leave you alone as long as you don’t criticize my lack of belief system.
  56. The first concert I went to see was Barry Manilow at Madison Square Garden, I think I was ten years old maybe.
  57. I wish I was better with money.
  58. I always wear my seat belt.
  59. I hate american cheese (come on now it really isn’t cheese at all, and it’s icky).
  60. Although I grew up outside of NYC I have never been to the Statue of Liberty.
  61. When I was younger I was not very good at saying “NO” to people, but as I get older and I apply myself I am getting better at it.
  62. I love warm chocolate pudding and had the best once at a restaurant fresh & homemade warm right outta the kitchen.
  63. When I ate meat I used to salt everything before I even tasted it. When I gave up meat I also gave up that bad habit (without even trying).
  64. I will never leave the house in the morning without straightening/making the bed.
  65. I have OCD when eating potato chips, tortilla chips, pretzels etc…. I sort out the broken ones from the whole ones; eat the broken pieces first, then the whole ones.  I only have this strange compulsion when the chips are on my plate, if they are in a bowl I just eat what I grab.
  66. My second toe is longer than my big toe.  I hear that is a sign of beauty.
  67. I never ate macaroni & cheese until 2003 when I was 34.
  68. I would love to drop out of my life for a year or two and join the Peace Corps.  (Something to do in retirement maybe!?!)
  69.  Correction to number 17, I love to play air hockey, it is the only thing that I get competitive at and quite nasty and smug as well.
  70. I have been flashed more than once in public places (I think by the same person even).
  71. My favorite flavor ice cream is Ben & Jerry’s Creme Brulee.
  72. I met my honey on the web.
  73. I have sensitive eyes and always wear sunglasses outside, even when it is cloudy (but not rainy).
  74. The top of my skull has a big dent in it.
  75. A few of my favorite movies are: Cinema Paradiso, Annie Hall, When Harry Met Sally, Reign Over Me, Stranger Than Fiction….
  76.  I cannot fall asleep without an extra pillow to hug, my huggy pillow.
  77. I am a Starbucks addict.  Warning, starbucks can be a more expensive habit than smoking.
  78. My favorite soda is Izzy pink grapefruit.
  79. I was a Media (radio & tv) major in college with a minor in Studio Art.
  80.  These days I only wear silver jewelry, my favorite “gems” are pearls.
  81. I especially love big chunky rings, I am fortunate that I can get away with wearing them.
  82. It is 3:43 in the morning right now, I cannot sleep, gee work is going to be fun tomorrow!
  83. I take a handful of vitamins everyday, they are all food-based or vegetarian variety: Multi, Iron Plus, Calcium, E, Evening Primrose Oil, Herbal Mix, & B-complex/multi. 
  84. Call me a snob, but I only use freshly ground pepper, freshly grated Romano and freshly ground coffee at home.  
  85. Beer makes me grumpy, wine makes me sleepy, but a mixed drink (maximum two) is just right.
  86. I do not have any tattoos (yet?!?)
  87. I went to Montessori Nursery School, my friends say that is why I am the free spirited/hippie/tree hugger gal that I am.
  88. My middle name is Samantha.
  89. I am one of those “early people”.  By my standards I am on time if I am ten minutes early.  I feel late and rushed if I am actually on time.
  90. Speaking of time I set my bedroom and car clock ten minutes fast (to make sure that I am on time).
  91. My nickname at home is “Jenny Buns” (The seven year old little girl in my life named me that.  It is very cute, but NOT when she yells it across the grocery store for all the world to hear.  Cute but quite embarrassing.  She knows now only to call me that at home).
  92. My heritage is Italian, German and Irish. How’s that for a interesting mix. 
  93. I always wear a silver “OM” symbol or Ganesha idol around my neck on a long silver chain that was my grandmother’s. (hence my web-alias omwoman)
  94. I have a “Stumble Upon” account where I am also omwoman. (though I rarely update it these days).  I do not have a “My Space” page or a “Face-book” page.
  95. I have been saving up old t-shirts and plan on making a rug out of them.  Rag Rug Recycle!  First though, I have to learn how to crochet.
  96.  Did I already say that I am enthusiastically voting for Obama?
  97. I did a honest to goodness headstand for the first time in yoga last week <<yeah-happy dance>>
  98. …….. more to come

2 responses »

  1. Hey Jen!
    You made me check the length of my toes when I read your list!

    I love your blog, keep it up!

    Roxanne’s friend,

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